All the posts, but sorted by their tags. There are 691 tags. See also the time ordered archive and categories.
4: — Week Notes No. 9 in Notes.
3: — Week Notes No. 8 in Notes.
2: — (Mid) Week Notes No. 7 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 3 in Notes.
5: — Week Notes 21 in Notes.
4: — Week Notes No. 20 in Notes.
3: — Week Notes No. 19 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes Key in Notes.
1: — Bi-Week Notes No. 14 in Notes.
8: — added photostream in Updates.
7: — Blogroll added in Updates.
6: — Now and Ideas pages added in Updates.
5: — About Page and Feed Added in Updates.
4: — Postcards section debut in Updates.
3: — Added Link-Roll in Updates.
2: — Added Notes in Updates.
1: — Updates Page in Updates.
1: — Borges and AI in Links.
2: — 2023-10-20: Joshua Tree National Park, Passing Plane in Field-recordings.
1: — 2023-10-19: Joshua Tree National Park in Field-recordings.
2: — Week Notes No. 38 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes No. 40: Stray Thoughts in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 39: Output in Notes.
3: — Week Notes No. 26 in Notes.
2: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
1: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
6: — Week Notes No. 35 in Notes.
5: — The Now is Now in Now.
4: — Update to Now in Now.
3: — Update to the now page in Now.
2: — Now double update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
2: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
1: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
3: — Week Notes No. 40: Daily Bits in Notes.
1: — Folks Be Programming in Links.
2: — Update to the Now page in Now.
1: — Update to Now in Now.
3: — Daily Reports from Unknown Places in Links.
2: — Beautiful Mars in Links.
1: — Fascinating Facts, December 2023 in Notes.
3: — NASA Blog for Artemis in Links.
6: — Ideas page update in Ideas.
4: — Upcoming Eclipses and Locations in Links.
3: — Pinhole Sun in Photos.
1: — Fascinating Facts, December 2023 in Notes.
2: — An Imperfect Library of Noticing in Notes.
2: — Week Notes No. 9 in Notes.
1: — Adding Space Weather Link in Links.
4: — Week Notes No. 20 in Notes.
3: — Week Notes No. 19 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes Key in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 17 in Notes.
6: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
5: — Week Notes No. 13 in Notes.
4: — Gila Wilderness in Photos.
3: — Ideas page update in Ideas.
2: — Week Notes No. 8 in Notes.
1: — Ideas page update in Ideas.
5: — Now double update in Now.
4: — Now update in Now.
3: — Now update in Now.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
4: — Update to the Now page in Now.
3: — Update to the now page in Now.
2: — Now double update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
3: — Bird Report in Bioregion.
2: — Fascinating Facts, December 2023 in Notes.
1: — Bird Weather in Links.
3: — Now update in Now.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
2: — In 2024 I read 27 books in Reading.
1: — Thought provoking reads from 2023 in Notes.
4: — What I’m doing Now in Now.
3: — Update to the Now page in Now.
2: — Latest Now Page Updates in Now.
1: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
2: — About Updated in About.
1: — About Updated in About.
7: — Week Notes No. 40: Appetites in Culinaria.
5: — Week Notes No. 26 in Notes.
4: — Week Notes No. 18 in Notes.
3: — New Now Update in Now.
2: — Bi-Week Notes No. 14 in Notes.
1: — Inaugural Week Notes in Notes.
3: — Week Notes No. 40: Media et al in Notes.
2: — Week Notes No. 36 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 35 in Notes.
3: — Week Notes No. 20 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes Key in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 17 in Notes.
3: — Hayfield Tarweed in Bioregion.
1: — Add Webcams Link in Updates.
3: — CalFire Incidents Page in Links.
2: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
1: — The Now is Now in Now.
1: — Update to the now page in Now.
3: — Week Notes No. 25 in Notes.
2: — Update to Now in Now.
1: — Update to the now page in Now.
2: — Week Notes No. 41: Media et al in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 40: Media et al in Notes.
2: — About Updated in About.
1: — About Updated in About.
2: — Update to the now page in Now.
1: — Now double update in Now.
2: — Update to the now page in Now.
1: — Now double update in Now.
2: — Week Notes No. 40: Daily Bits in Notes.
1: — Week Notes 22 in Notes.
3: — Week Notes No. 16 in Notes.
2: — CDC Waste Water Covid Trends in Links.
2: — Update to the Now page in Now.
1: — Latest Now Page Updates in Now.
2: — Jekyll Update in Updates.
1: — Some Web Authoring References in Links.
2: — Week Notes No. 41: Media et al in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 40: Media et al in Notes.
7: — Week Notes No. 16 in Notes.
6: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
5: — Bi-Week Notes No. 14 in Notes.
4: — The Now is Now in Now.
2: — Late updated Now in Now.
1: — Week Notes No. 10 in Notes.
4: — Now update in Now.
3: — Week Notes No. 4 in Notes.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Week Notes No. 3 in Notes.
3: — Week Notes No. 15 in Notes.
2: — Bi-Week Notes No. 14 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 2 in Notes.
13: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
12: — The Now is Now in Now.
10: — Late updated Now in Now.
9: — Update to Now in Now.
8: — Another Regular Now Update in Now.
7: — Update to the Now page in Now.
6: — Update to the now page in Now.
5: — Now double update in Now.
4: — Now update in Now.
3: — Now update in Now.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
4: — Now update in Now.
3: — Week Notes No. 4 in Notes.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Week Notes No. 3 in Notes.
1: — On Looking by Horowitz, part 3 in Reading.
2: — Week Notes No. 40: Appetites in Culinaria.
1: — Week Notes No. 35 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes No. 16 in Notes.
3: — Upcoming Eclipses and Locations in Links.
2: — Pinhole Sun in Photos.
1: — Fascinating Facts, December 2023 in Notes.
14: — Week Notes No. 41: Media et al in Notes.
13: — Week Notes No. 40: Media et al in Notes.
12: — Week Notes No. 35 in Notes.
11: — What I’m doing Now in Now.
10: — Market logic takes over everything in Reading.
9: — Latest New Now in Now.
8: — Update to Now in Now.
6: — Late updated Now in Now.
5: — Another Regular Now Update in Now.
4: — Update to the Now page in Now.
3: — Update to the now page in Now.
2: — Now double update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
2: — Week Notes No. 5 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes No. 38 in Notes.
1: — Notes for the New Year in Notes.
1: — New Now Update in Now.
2: — Week Notes No. 23 in Notes.
1: — Folks Be Programming in Links.
3: — Notes for the New Year in Notes.
2: — Adding More Fire Related Links in Links.
1: — Forest Fire Outlook in Links.
3: — Week Notes No. 16 in Notes.
2: — Updated Now in Now.
1: — Updated Now in Now.
1: — Fascinating Facts, December 2023 in Notes.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
4: — Now update in Now.
3: — Week Notes No. 3 in Notes.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Week Notes No. 2 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes No. 13 in Notes.
1: — Late updated Now in Now.
6: — Updated Now in Now.
5: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
4: — The Now is Now in Now.
2: — Late updated Now in Now.
1: — Update to Now in Now.
2: — Week Notes No. 41: Daily Bits in Notes.
1: — Yoshi and Spooky and Baby G in Photos.
3: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
2: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
1: — What I’m doing Now in Now.
2: — Week Notes No. 23 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 5 in Notes.
2: — Vesuvius Scroll Grand Prize Awarded in Links.
1: — Vesuvius Scroll Prize in Links.
2: — Week Notes No. 36 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 35 in Notes.
7: — On Looking by Horowitz, part 3 in Reading.
6: — On Looking by Horowitz, part 2 in Reading.
5: — An Imperfect Library of Noticing in Notes.
4: — On Looking by Horowitz, part 1 in Reading.
3: — Latest Now Page Updates in Now.
2: — Latest New Now in Now.
1: — Update to Now in Now.
4: — Update to the Now page in Now.
3: — Update to the now page in Now.
2: — Now double update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
1: — Hurricane Monitoring and Forecasts in Links.
5: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
4: — Week Notes No. 23 in Notes.
2: — Now double update in Now.
1: — Strawberry Sorbet in Culinaria.
4: — Latest Now Page Updates in Now.
3: — Now update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
1: — Beautiful Mars in Links.
15: — Week Notes No. 41: Media et al in Notes.
14: — Latest New Now in Now.
13: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
12: — The Now is Now in Now.
10: — Late updated Now in Now.
9: — Update to Now in Now.
8: — Another Regular Now Update in Now.
7: — Update to the Now page in Now.
6: — Update to the now page in Now.
5: — Now double update in Now.
4: — Now update in Now.
3: — Now update in Now.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
4: — On Looking by Horowitz, part 2 in Reading.
2: — 2023-10-19: Joshua Tree National Park in Field-recordings.
1: — Inaugural Week Notes in Notes.
5: — Trust and Internet and Ai in Notes.
4: — The Hofmann Wobble in Links.
3: — Borges and AI in Links.
2: — Relaxing with YouTube in Notes.
1: — Add Webcams Link in Updates.
2: — Week Notes 21 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes Key in Notes.
2: — Jekyll Update in Updates.
1: — Some Web Authoring References in Links.
5: — Update to Now in Now.
4: — Another Regular Now Update in Now.
3: — Update to the Now page in Now.
2: — Update to the now page in Now.
1: — Now double update in Now.
2: — Week Notes No. 41: Appetites in Culinaria.
1: — Week Notes No. 39: Appetites in Culinaria.
2: — Update to the Now page in Now.
1: — Latest Now Page Updates in Now.
2: — Spaceflight Now in Links.
1: — Fascinating Facts, December 2023 in Notes.
1: — Craig Mod’s Newsletters in Links.
2: — Week Notes No. 38 in Notes.
12: — Week Notes No. 41: Media et al in Notes.
11: — Week Notes No. 40: Media et al in Notes.
10: — Latest New Now in Now.
9: — Updated Now in Now.
8: — Updated Now in Now.
7: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
6: — The Now is Now in Now.
4: — Late updated Now in Now.
3: — Update to Now in Now.
2: — Another Regular Now Update in Now.
1: — Update to the Now page in Now.
2: — Latest New Now in Now.
1: — Update to the now page in Now.
1: — Update to Now in Now.
19: — Week Notes No. 36 in Notes.
18: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
17: — Latest Now Page Updates in Now.
16: — Latest New Now in Now.
15: — Update to Now in Now.
14: — Updated Now in Now.
13: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
12: — The Now is Now in Now.
10: — Late updated Now in Now.
9: — Update to Now in Now.
8: — Another Regular Now Update in Now.
7: — Update to the Now page in Now.
6: — Update to the now page in Now.
5: — Now double update in Now.
4: — Now update in Now.
3: — Now update in Now.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
3: — Update to the Now page in Now.
2: — Update to the now page in Now.
1: — Now double update in Now.
3: — What are Postcards? in Postcards.
2: — added space section in Links.
1: — What are notes? in Notes.
7: — Update to the Now page in Now.
6: — Update to the now page in Now.
5: — Now double update in Now.
4: — Now update in Now.
3: — Now update in Now.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
5: — Week Notes No. 35 in Notes.
4: — Update to the Now page in Now.
3: — Update to the now page in Now.
2: — Now double update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
3: — NASA Blog for Artemis in Links.
2: — Week Notes No. 19 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes Key in Notes.
12: — NASA Blog for Artemis in Links.
11: — Update to the Now page in Now.
10: — NASA Blog for the ISS in Links.
4: — NASA’s small solar sail mission in Links.
13: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
12: — The Now is Now in Now.
10: — Late updated Now in Now.
9: — Update to Now in Now.
8: — Another Regular Now Update in Now.
7: — Update to the Now page in Now.
6: — Update to the now page in Now.
5: — Now double update in Now.
4: — Now update in Now.
3: — Now update in Now.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
4: — Now update in Now.
3: — Week Notes No. 3 in Notes.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Week Notes No. 2 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 13 in Notes.
3: — Week Notes No. 38 in Notes.
1: — added mainstream news sources in Links.
5: — Week Notes No. 26 in Notes.
4: — Week Notes No. 25 in Notes.
3: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
2: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
1: — What I’m doing Now in Now.
10: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
9: — Week Notes No. 23 in Notes.
8: — What I’m doing Now in Now.
7: — Latest Now Page Updates in Now.
6: — Latest New Now in Now.
5: — Update to Now in Now.
4: — New Now Update in Now.
3: — Updated Now in Now.
2: — Week Notes No. 16 in Notes.
1: — Updated Now in Now.
2: — Week Notes No. 41: Appetites in Culinaria.
1: — Week Notes No. 39: Appetites in Culinaria.
3: — About Updated in About.
2: — Week Notes No. 2 in Notes.
1: — About Updated in About.
2: — An Imperfect Library of Noticing in Notes.
1: — Thirty days of narrate your work in Notes.
3: — updated area ocean links in Links.
2: — updated waves in Links.
1: — 2022-09-04: Poipu Beach, Kaua’i, HI in Field-recordings.
5: — Latest Now Page Updates in Now.
4: — Latest New Now in Now.
3: — New Now Update in Now.
2: — Updated Now in Now.
1: — Week Notes No. 16 in Notes.
7: — On Looking by Horowitz, part 3 in Reading.
6: — On Looking by Horowitz, part 2 in Reading.
5: — An Imperfect Library of Noticing in Notes.
4: — On Looking by Horowitz, part 1 in Reading.
3: — Latest Now Page Updates in Now.
2: — Latest New Now in Now.
1: — Update to Now in Now.
6: — Week Notes No. 40: Daily Bits in Notes.
5: — Notes for the New Year in Notes.
4: — Iphone Photography Awards in Links.
2: — Craig Mod’s Newsletters in Links.
1: — Postcards section debut in Updates.
5: — Week Notes No. 38 in Notes.
4: — Week Notes No. 27 in Notes.
3: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
2: — Latest New Now in Now.
1: — Week Notes No. 19 in Notes.
3: — Update to the Now page in Now.
2: — Ars Technica Science Coverage in Links.
2: — Week Notes No. 39: Output in Notes.
2: — Week Notes No. 4 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 3 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes No. 41: Daily Bits in Notes.
1: — 2023-09-06: Meridian, ID in Field-recordings.
3: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
2: — The Now is Now in Now.
3: — Week Notes No. 39: Media et al in Notes.
2: — In 2024 I read 27 books in Reading.
1: — Thought provoking reads from 2023 in Notes.
9: — Bi-Week Notes No. 14 in Notes.
8: — Week Notes No. 13 in Notes.
7: — Week Notes No. 4 in Notes.
6: — Week Notes No. 3 in Notes.
5: — Week Notes No. 2 in Notes.
4: — Inaugural Week Notes in Notes.
3: — Recordings Feed in Updates.
2: — Joshua Recordings in Updates.
2: — Strawberry Sorbet in Culinaria.
1: — Spanish Potato Chickpea Stew in Culinaria.
2: — Update to the now page in Now.
1: — Now double update in Now.
2: — Easy Cooking Brown Rice, Instant Pot method in Culinaria.
1: — Instant Pot Sushi Rice in Culinaria.
2: — Updated Now in Now.
1: — Updated Now in Now.
8: — added photostream in Updates.
7: — About Page and Feed Added in Updates.
6: — Postcards section debut in Updates.
5: — Added Notes in Updates.
3: — Recordings Feed in Updates.
2: — Updates Rss in Updates.
19: — Week Notes No. 40: Daily Bits in Notes.
18: — Week Notes No. 38 in Notes.
17: — Week Notes No. 37 in Notes.
16: — Notes for the New Year in Notes.
15: — Week Notes No. 36 in Notes.
14: — Week Notes No. 35 in Notes.
13: — Week Notes No. 32 in Notes.
12: — Week Notes No. 30 and 31 in Notes.
11: — Week Notes No. 29 in Notes.
10: — Week Notes No. 28 in Notes.
9: — Week Notes No. 27 in Notes.
8: — Week Notes No. 26 in Notes.
7: — Week Notes No. 25 in Notes.
6: — What I’m up to this week in Now.
5: — Week Notes No. 24 in Notes.
4: — Week Notes No. 23 in Notes.
3: — Week Notes 22 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes 21 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 20 in Notes.
2: — Hayfield Tarweed in Bioregion.
1: — Pacific Chorus Frogs in Bioregion.
2: — New Now Update in Now.
1: — Week Notes No. 17 in Notes.
3: — Hayfield Tarweed in Bioregion.
2: — Bird Report in Bioregion.
1: — Pacific Chorus Frogs in Bioregion.
2: — Week Notes No. 23 in Notes.
1: — Santa Teresa in Photos.
4: — Ars Technica Science Coverage in Links.
3: — NASA’s small solar sail mission in Links.
1: — Beautiful Mars in Links.
6: — What I’m doing Now in Now.
4: — Another Regular Now Update in Now.
3: — Update to the Now page in Now.
2: — Update to the now page in Now.
1: — Now double update in Now.
2: — About Updated in About.
1: — About Updated in About.
2: — Updated Now in Now.
1: — Updated Now in Now.
1: — Fascinating Facts, December 2023 in Notes.
3: — Week Notes 21 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes No. 40: Appetites in Culinaria.
1: — Spanish Potato Chickpea Stew in Culinaria.
14: — NASA Blog for Artemis in Links.
13: — Spaceflight Now in Links.
12: — Geostationary Banana Over Texas in Links.
11: — Ars Technica Science Coverage in Links.
10: — NASA Blog for the ISS in Links.
8: — NASA’s small solar sail mission in Links.
7: — Upcoming Eclipses and Locations in Links.
5: — Earth’s full disk in Links.
4: — Beautiful Mars in Links.
3: — Bolides and Fireballs in Links.
2: — Fascinating Facts, December 2023 in Notes.
1: — Psyche mission in Links.
3: — Space Weather Live in Links.
2: — Week Notes No. 9 in Notes.
1: — Adding Space Weather Link in Links.
3: — Update to the Now page in Now.
2: — Update to Now in Now.
1: — Now double update in Now.
6: — An Imperfect Library of Noticing in Notes.
5: — Update to Now in Now.
4: — Week Notes No. 18 in Notes.
3: — New Now Update in Now.
2: — Updated Now in Now.
1: — Week Notes No. 16 in Notes.
3: — Week Notes No. 23 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes 21 in Notes.
1: — (Mid) Week Notes No. 7 in Notes.
4: — Week Notes No. 27 in Notes.
3: — Latest Now Page Updates in Now.
2: — Latest New Now in Now.
1: — New Now Update in Now.
3: — Japanese Food Collection in Culinaria.
2: — Latest New Now in Now.
1: — Instant Pot Sushi Rice in Culinaria.
8: — Folks Be Programming in Links.
7: — Updated Now in Now.
6: — Week Notes No. 15 in Notes.
5: — Update to Now in Now.
4: — Now update in Now.
3: — Now update in Now.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Now update in Now.
2: — updated tags and categories in Updates.
3: — Week Notes No. 19 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes Key in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 17 in Notes.
6: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
5: — The Now is Now in Now.
3: — Late updated Now in Now.
2: — Update to Now in Now.
1: — Another Regular Now Update in Now.
5: — Update to Now in Now.
4: — Week Notes No. 18 in Notes.
3: — New Now Update in Now.
2: — Updated Now in Now.
1: — Week Notes No. 16 in Notes.
6: — Week Notes No. 16 in Notes.
5: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
4: — The Now is Now in Now.
2: — Late updated Now in Now.
1: — Two Week Notes No. 11 & 12 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes No. 41: Media et al in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 40: Media et al in Notes.
5: — Week Notes No. 10 in Notes.
4: — Week Notes No. 9 in Notes.
3: — Week Notes No. 8 in Notes.
2: — Week Notes No. 5 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 4 in Notes.
3: — Now update in Now.
2: — Week Notes No. 3 in Notes.
1: — Now update in Now.
2: — updated area ocean links in Links.
1: — updated waves in Links.
2: — Week Notes No. 19 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 17 in Notes.
2: — Latest New Now in Now.
1: — Update to Now in Now.
3: — Updated Now in Now.
2: — Updated Now in Now.
1: — Updated Now in Now.
3: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
2: — The Now is Now in Now.
4: — Now update in Now.
3: — Week Notes No. 3 in Notes.
2: — Now update in Now.
1: — Week Notes No. 2 in Notes.
2: — Japanese Food Collection in Culinaria.
1: — Spanish Potato Chickpea Stew in Culinaria.
2: — Vesuvius Scroll Grand Prize Awarded in Links.
1: — Vesuvius Scroll Prize in Links.
2: — Craig Mod’s Newsletters in Links.
1: — 2023-10-21: Joshua Tree National Park, Trail Sounds in Field-recordings.
4: — Daily Reports from Unknown Places in Links.
3: — Earth’s full disk in Links.
1: — updated waves in Links.
2: — Week Notes No. 20 in Notes.
1: — Week Notes No. 19 in Notes.
7: — Week Notes No. 35 in Notes.
6: — Most Up To Date Now Page in Now.
5: — The Now is Now in Now.
3: — Late updated Now in Now.
2: — Update to Now in Now.
1: — Another Regular Now Update in Now.
5: — Update to Now in Now.
4: — Another Regular Now Update in Now.
3: — Update to the Now page in Now.
2: — Update to the now page in Now.
1: — Now double update in Now.
2: — Week Notes No. 39: Daily Bits in Notes.
1: — CalFire Incidents Page in Links.
3: — Week(end) Notes No. 6 in Notes.
2: — 2023-10-21: East Jesus, Slab City, CA in Field-recordings.
1: — 2023-09-06: Meridian, ID in Field-recordings.
2: — Update to Now in Now.
1: — New Now Update in Now.
3: — Notes for the New Year in Notes.
2: — Ideas page update in Ideas.
1: — Ideas page update in Ideas.
5: — Latest New Now in Now.
4: — Update to Now in Now.
3: — New Now Update in Now.
2: — Updated Now in Now.
1: — Update to the now page in Now.
3: — Spaceflight Now in Links.
2: — Week Notes No. 4 in Notes.
1: — Relaxing with YouTube in Notes.
3: — Week Notes No. 41: Media et al in Notes.
2: — Latest New Now in Now.
1: — Update to Now in Now.